Welcome Fun, Fierce, Fashionistas!

MaeAlways is my creation to share my journey and ideas throughout my fashion & textiles degree.
I want to explore different styles and adveture new ideas.... let the fun begin.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Black && Gold

Everyday I see loads of different people commuting to uni, at uni and out & about, a theme i have realised is alot of people tend to wear black with black, people are scared to add a little bit of colour with a black outfit. I know this can be dawnting as black seems to go with everything but in reality trying to match black with colours isn't so simple, think of the main primary colours in clothes trending right now: blacks, blues, metalics, reds, mustards and browns. (+ cream/white as always, mainly working as a neutral).
Most of these colours people tend to group together i.e. blacks/metalics/reds, Mustards/browns/metalics, reds/blues/browns etc, by grouping i don't mean wearing all the colours as garments at once, i mean using a colour for trousers/dress then adding accent colours finally with finishing touches of another colour.

This grouping is key for winter 2011/2012!

Colour isnt fading this year in our wardorbes but clinging on in smaller, discreat ways:
My Main tips:
- Don't colour overhall
- Remember to use one primary colour
- Followed by one complimentary colour
- Finished with an accent colour

I.e. Mustard dress/black tights/gold belt, berry chinos/cream shirt/leopard print belt & shoes.

- Remember to think about your shoes & bags
- Mix & match
- Finally... if you buy a garment that comes with a belt or accessories you DON'T have to use them with that item, if it looks mediocre then take it off and add something different or the opposite, keep reusing it!

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